Saturday, September 27, 2008

First class

Our Thursday night ESL class was amazing. We had 36 international students attend with about 14 volunteers. The BCM was packed, and everyone really seemed to have a great time. This was my first major ministry project to organize,

I got to meet so many students. The majority of the students attending were from China and Thailand, but we also had a scattering from South Korea, Mauritania, Spain, and a few other countries that I don't remember.

Even in the past few days, I've had students e-mail me to tell me that they couldn't make it to the first one, but they hope to make it next week. Pray that we have more volunteers! God did amazing things with this first night, and many people got to share some with their partners. It was a good day, slightly draining, but good nonetheless. We still have two more months of Thursdays to go. May God do some amazing work with all of this.

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