Thursday, September 23, 2010


Steadfastness. This has been my life theme as of late. My heart is steadfast.

 The ESV translates the word chesed as steadfast love. The steadfast love of the Lord endures forever. It is constant and continual, faithful and ever true. It does not change no matter what we do. I'm in need of that something constant in my life. God's love for us is steadfast, firm, fixed, unchanging. How is it that God doesn't have to choose to be faithful? It's just who He is. I do not understand this kind of love. But it's the source of everything good in my life. And by good, I'm not referring to anything tangible although it is the source of all tangible good in my life as well. But rather, just the good in my life. The peace and comfort, the joy and victory, all that He gives me especially when I most need it. This steadfast love is the reason that my heart can be steadfast even when the "storms" of life that I encounter try to knock me down. And some of these storms have been giving it their best.

Life has been crazy hectic lately. I have hardly had a chance to just sit down, and I was kind of embarrassed on Tuesday morning that I didn't even know who had won the Saints game the night before. I'm craving rest. Every free minute I get I spend in the word just to allow God to keep my soul on some sort of even keel. Steadfastness. My soul and my heart are steadfast. Though sometimes I do lose my focus, at some point everyday God continues to bring me to that steadfast place with him. The place where I'm reminded that all things are in his hand. That his divine power has given me everything I need for life and godliness through my knowledge of Him who called me by His own glory and goodness (2 Pet.1:4). That the riches of His grace are abundant and overflowing, and He will provide far beyond all I could ever think or imagine. Nothing surprises Him, nothing is too difficult for Him to handle, and everything that is going on in my life is because He wants it to be this way. He is not silent or uninvolved. He's quite active in every intricate aspect of our existence. So whatever has happened and all that is yet to come are completely under His sovereign control. And the One who controls and ordains these things is One whose very nature is love. How deep his love is for us. I wish I understood it more.

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